Saturday, June 14, 2014

GET TO KᑎOᗯ ᗰIᑕᕼᗩEᒪ ᔕᑕOTT

Michael was born April 19, 2013 and weighed 6 pounds 13 ounces. On his way out, he swallowed amniotic fluid and wasn't breathing right away. At first I thought, "Wow I'm lucky, I have an automatic happy baby." I was so drugged up I didn't realize anything was wrong with him until I heard Brandon sounding worried. "What does that mean?" He asked them as they talked about our son in low numbers. Once the nurses cleared his airway, a piercing cry filled the room and I immediately began to cry. I held my baby boy for the first time after 40 weeks of carrying him. I couldn't believe how small and perfect he was. He was born with dark hair and blue eyes. "You got what you wanted," Brandon said with his own tears in his eyes.

We were only allowed to hold our son for a few minutes until the nurses took him over to NICU. Michael continued to recover and we were released to go home after 2 more nights in the hospital.

Not even two weeks out of the hospital, Michael got pink eye. My poor son's eyes were so swelled and red. I had to rub a drop of cream prescription under each bottom eye lid at least 6 times a day. My hands were definitely dried out from always washing my hands. 

Michael began to lose all of his top hair. People kept saying, "that's weird they normally lose the hair on the back of their head from laying down all the time." Well, not Michael. He kept the hair on the back of his head the longest. He looked like a little old man! Within a month, his new hair began growing in. Instead of the dark hair he was born with, it now came out blond. If you don't know what Brandon looked like, you'd wonder if I had adopted my child!

His newborn months just flew by. By 3 months he no longer wanted to breast feed. He liked the bottle more. I continued to pump until I dried up and switched him to formula. He only had a problem the first two days with slight constipation, but immediately adjusted. 

By 4 months he was feeding himself the bottle and we swore Michael had said, "Mama." From then on, he mainly said Mama when he cried for me.

By 5 months Michael was rolling over both ways.

At 6 months he was trying to crawl... Trying!!! He would push his feet off but end up shoving his head down in the carpet. The poor guy was always giving himself a little red mark. 

By 7 months he started crawling better. He was pulling himself up, standing while holding something, and sitting himself up. He even began helping me put his toys away.

By 8 months he was a professional crawler and his two bottom teeth had poked through the gums.

By 10 months he gained his two top teeth and was waving hi/bye... When he felt like it.

At 10 1/2 months, Michael took his first step! A few days later, he took TEN STEPS! 

By 1 year, he was a walking great and was gaining his Lateral Incisors. He hated grass, it scared him. 

By 13 months he was holding things up to his ear and talking. He started giving kisses and handing me his bottle once he wanted a refill. Michael started getting better at communication all together. He is starting to get upset when I don't understand what he wants and sometimes cries when I take something away he can't have or tell him he's not allowed to do something. I just have to speak calmly to him and explain he can play with all these other things around him. Soon enough he calms down.

I will be posting his full 14 month update on the 19th! 

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